Ready for some easy ways to save time and ensure that everyone is engaged at work?

For team leaders

It would be easy to glance through the list and say 'We do that'. Instead, encourage your team leader colleagues to consider whether they are making the most of these outstanding characteristics of leaders who engage their staff. Ask, 'Do we really do that?' 'Do we do it at every opportunity?'

Skillset's picks for discussion

1. Delegate to develop

It might be quicker to do it yourself, but you won’t be developing your team members’ skills. The evidence is overwhelming: employees want to feel that they are developing their competence. It’s especially important for younger employees.

2. Make your feedback SPOT ON

  • Specific (Something like, ‘I noticed that you…’)
  • Pertinent (Relevant)
  • Objective (Wait till you’ve calmed down and can keep emotion out of it.)
  • Timely (Good or bad, don’t wait for the performance review.)
  • Obvious (Leave no doubt about the behaviour you are praising or want them to change.)
  • No-nonsense (No games, no agendas. Don’t tolerate them in the team either.)

3. Monitor the mood of your team

A positive mood encourages more productivity and generally better judgements. Don’t demand positivity, just do your best to influence the team’s mood. Your own mood is highly contagious.

4. Remove obstacles

Give them a task and help them succeed by avoiding conflicting demands and unrealistic deadlines.

5. Hire people you trust and trust them

Micro-management says ‘I don’t trust you’. Micro-management destroys engagement. Take reasonable risks instead. Say, ‘It’s your project. Call me if you need help’. Resist the temptation to send emails every second day offering advice or checking on progress.

6. Be the kind of team leader your people want to work with

People leave bosses, not jobs. Successful leaders set high standards, are fair, help their people develop, are open with them, can be flexible, are generally optimistic and care about their team members as individuals. Treat them as colleagues, not subordinates.

7. Deal with the hard stuff

Do it early. Be diplomatic, but firm. If you are not sure how to handle difficult conversations, put the time into learning.

8. Focus on the three universal motivators

  1. Find opportunities for people to work and socialise together.
  2. Give them autonomy (more and more - as they are ready for it).
  3. Help them develop their competence.

They cost nothing. They work across cultures. They’re backed by extensive research.


Seem familiar?

  • High absenteeism or presentism (Present, but might as well have stayed home)
  • High staff turnover
  • ‘It’s not my job’ syndrome
  • Negative atmosphere
  • Low morale

Skillset can help.

Some training with a skilled workshop leader could be a very valuable investment.

Skillset can show your leaders some simple and highly-effective ways to develop engaged teams. We can help team members feel great about coming to work and making worthwhile contributions.

To be truly effective, we need to work with both your leaders and team members.

Call or send us a message. We'll match you up with a specialist, not a salesperson. There'll be no pressure. (That's not our style.)