'What doesn't break you makes you stronger.' There's some scientific evidence to support it.

Researchers at the University of Michigan studied the way students reacted to the attacks on the World Trade Centre in 2001 and found that amongst those who were not overwhelmed were some who thrived and became more resilient.

How can a stressful situation help you to thrive?

It's in the way you think about the event.

The students who thrived focused on positive thoughts and emotions like how grateful they were to be alive and their love for their families.

Here's the important bit.

The 'everyday magic' of positive emotions

If you can focus on positive emotions, you begin an upward spiral.

Cope well with one stressful situation and it's more likely that you'll cope well with the next.

The Michigan researchers and others have confirmed the 'everyday magic' of positive emotions. It's not about denying that there's anything wrong, but focusing on healthy ways of interpreting the situation.

Even when there's no crisis to practise on, actively looking for what's good about life seems to provide us with a protective shield to use when something challenging does come along.


Interested in a workshop on emotional Intelligence for your team? (It's about thriving at work)

What about a workshop on employee engagement? (For your leaders or for your teams)

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