Skillset New Zealand Blog

Ideas to help your team develop personally and professionally.

Here's a trick that works brilliantly if you suffer from strong symptoms of nervousness. Yes, 'trick' because you're going to deceive your own brain and body into associating public speaking with pleasure. All it takes is a few minutes of quiet practice before you go in front of your audience.

Most of us suspect we speak too fast. And many of us do, especially when we're feeling self-conscious. Some machine-gunners even tell me, 'I hate speaking, I just want to get it over with faster.' So first up, find out if you really are too fast - ask an honest colleague to watch you speak in front of a meeting.

Yes? Okay, lets get to a cure.

Interested in training in presentation skills?

We can help your presenters engage their audiences – whether they are speaking at major conferences, presenting to the community or colleagues, or speaking up at a meeting.

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