Use simple sentences and many grammatical problems disappear.

Simple sentences are easy to write and read. All we need is a subject and a verb, though usually we'll go on to say something more interesting about what happened.

Here's the but...

How would you like a whole paragraph of simple sentences? 'I talked to our clients. I read the newspaper. I drank my coffee. My manager came to my office. We talked about our clients' suggestions. I will include them in my report.' Dull stuff. (That's not a sentence.)

Here's my suggestion.

Use simple sentences as building blocks and join some of them together to keep your readers interested. "I read the newspaper and drank my coffee. My manager came into my office and we talked about the clients' suggestions. I will include them in my report.' Every part of your longer sentence should complete a thought.

Give them variety, but keep your building materials simple. They'll thank you by reading it all.

You did. (That's a sentence.)


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